Let's see if you have ever carried the title of "The Help". There's a new movie out called the Help and it also has an accompanied book. I look forward to seeing the movie when it airs based on the previews. I begin to think about the title of the book and movie which is "The Help" and decided to look into the word "help".
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary the definition of help is "to give assistance or support, to further the advancement of, to change for the better. So does this describe you? How often do you hear someone say to you "you're so helpful".
As children of the most high God, we are to be immitator of Christ by helping each other as we intercede for each other through prayer. During this time of famine, wars, rumors of wars and earthquakes, prayer should be made on behalf of this world and everybody in it. We must put our hope and trust in Christ. As we go to God in prayer as the only help we know, it will increase our faith and help us to trust God even more.
In conclusion, think about something and/or someone you can help by praying. As you put others before your own problems and situations, your problems and situations will supernaturally work out for your good.
If you are one who like to kneel when you pray, a kneeling prayer pillow will help you do it in comfort.
Read, Pray, Know, Then Go!
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